Manteca Quilters


Above, Philanthropy ladies posing with 50 lap quilts, 50 pillow cases, 50 filled toiletry bags, 50 pair of gloves and 25 purses delivered to Haven of Peace Women and Children's Shelter.

9/2019: Our Manteca Quilters Philanthropy group making their annual donation to the Manteca Unified School District for distribution to homeless students.  A donation of 150 lap quilts, 150 pillowcases, 150 filled toiletry bags & 150 knitted/crocheted scarves were accepted by Health Services at Manteca Unified.   Kudos to the Philanthropy ladies who show up every Tuesday and sew for our community members in need. 

On the right, donated 13 Quilts, 50 preemie quilts, 25 burp cloths and 200 preemie hats delivered to the NICU at San Joaquin General Hospital.

Our Philanthropy Ladies continue to gather;  stitching with love and generous hearts.  Their love is spreading to include the following recipients for 2022-2023: 

Haven of Peace Women’s/Children’s Shelter
Lap Quilt, Pillowcases, Toiletry Bags, Scarves, Gloves, Quilted Handbags 

Health Services for Manteca Unified School District
Lap Quilt, Pillowcases, Toiletry Bags w/ toiletries, Scarves, Lg. Toiletry Bags

Hospice of San Joaquin
Lap Quilts

Manteca Animal Shelter, Pets & Pals &  Tracy Animal Shelter
Dog/Cat Beds

Livermore Veterans Hospital
Lap Quilts, Walker Totes, Wheelchair Bags

 We hope to return to providing quilts, wheelchair bags & Neo-Natal supplies to San Juaquin General Hospital as soon as Covid restrictions are lifted at the facilities.

Dialysis Unit at San Joaquin General Hospital
Lap Quilts, Walker Totes, Wheelchair Bags

 Neo-Natal Unit at San Joaquin General Hospital
Lap Quilts, Preemie Quilts, Burp Cloths

 ID Oncology Unit at San Joaquin General Hospital
Lap Quilts, Walker Totes, Wheelchair Bags



Our Mission:

Our Members contribute to and participate in the Manteca Quilters Philanthropy program.    Their  custom made "projects" include:

lap quilts, wheelchair bags, pillowcases, knitted hats, gloves, quilted handbags, knitted or crocheted scares and toiletry bags

(filled with soap, shampoo, conditioner, tooth paste and toothbrushes).  They also make dog and cat beds for local animal shelters.